About Us:

வீழ்வது நாமாயினும் வாழ்வது நம் தமிழ் ஆகட்டும்

Triad Tamil Sangam is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious organization formed April 14th 2018 by founding members who have been actively involved in promoting Tamil Culture and the Tamil language to the Tamil community in the area. 7 Board of Directors was officiated for Year 2019 along with 2 event volunteers for initiation.

Triad Tamil Sangam is a forum exclusively for cultural, educational, and charitable purposes of promoting Tamil Culture to the Tamil community in the area.

The mission of this not for-profit group is to cultivate, promote and develop Tamil traditions, culture, language, arts and community activities. It will strive to provide platform to express and appreciate the deep and rich tradition of the Tamil Nadu to the residents of the Triad. And our primary aim is to spread the Tamil culture and instill within the values and essences of our roots to the next generation. Encourage the children to organize and participate in community welfare activities while promoting Tamil art, music, dance and drama.

-Triad Tamil Sangam